One veritable parameter for assessing the status of any urban centre is the condition of infrastructure. Infrastructure is of various forms such as road network, electricity, drainage, sewage system, markets, potable water, waste disposal, telecommunication, primary health services, security, schools as well as housing. The availability and adequacy of this infrastructures contributes largely to a nation’s success. In the context of this reportage, the author looked at the problem associated with the provision and maintenance of the urban road transportation system in Nigeria, using a quantitative approach. A total of one hundred and four (104) respondents, that comprises three different practioners in property market vis-à-vis, estate surveyors and valuers; housing developers and housing investors, were utilised. A questionnaire survey was adopted in eliciting views from the participants. The study used three-set criteria amongst the respondents in unravelling the problem. Data collected were presented using descriptive statistics tools such as tables and percentages and were analysed using SPSS. Hitherto, the study revealed that estate surveyors and valuers, housing developers alongside with housing investors gave maximum weight to political factors followed by economic factors as having the greatest negative impact on the provision and maintenance of road infrastructure, while social factors in the study area had little or no negative influence. Therefore, the study concluded that political and economic problems were the greatest challenge facing road infrastructure provision and maintenance in the study area and urged the government to rise to their role of road infrastructure provision and maintenance to enhance housing investment which will increase housing supply and improve economic prosperity.
Problem, Maintenance, Road, Infrastructure, Housing, Investment, Nigeria.