Budi Adhi Buono. Ideal construction of community-based coastal and marine resource management at the end of Morodemak Bonang Beach. The purpose of this study is to analyze the ideal construction of community-based coastal and marine resource management at the end of Morodemak Bonang beach. That coastal areas and small islands are new development areas that have enormous potential for improving the welfare of the community, especially coastal communities. This research method uses normative law with data collection techniques through, and the data source is primary data consisting of primary legal material, secondary legal material and tertiary legal material. The results showed that: this area in addition to having a conservation function, also has other functions very important for the provision of marine goods and services. This great potential needs to be managed with an integrated approach between sectors so that the overall function can be utilized properly and sustainably. For this reason, the Government issued Law No. 27 of 2007 concerning the Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands, which was later revised by Law No. 1 of 2014 on Amendments to Law No. 27 of 2007 concerning Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands on the grounds that it has not realized the Integrated Coastal Management approach, which is characterized by the absence of renewal of unequal control and exploitation and the existence of dissynchronization with regulations other legislation. This law is also considered to be more concerned with the investment aspect and more pro-business so that there is no room for the community, especially traditional fishing communities and indigenous peoples in proposing management plans for coastal areas and small islands. With the revision, it is expected that the rights of traditional communities, especially economic rights in general, will be accommodated since the process of planning, utilization and supervision and supervision related to WP3K management. Based on the description above, a conclusion can be drawn that normatively our laws and regulations have provided legal protection for WPPPK and have provided clear limits of authority between the authority of the central, provincial and district / city governments.
Legal Protection Construction, Coastal Areas and Small Islands.