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Vol 17, No 10 ( 2022 )   |  DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7271221   |   Author Affiliation: Flensburg University Germany (Ma. sc International Criminal Law University of Pristina Kosovo – Lawyer Law Faculty of Pristina University Kosovo), Pristina Kosovo 1; Professor at the Faculty of Law at the University   |   Licensing: CC 4.0   |   Pg no: 1865-1871   |   To cite: Dr. NUHI OSMANI, et al., (2022). REPORTS BETWEEN THE NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION - NATO AND THE EUROPEAN UNION. 17(10), 1865–1871. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7271221   |   Published on: 31-10-2022


After World War II ended, and from which Europe was the main arena of fighting it caused many material consequences and the death of many people and all of this, the heads of states discussed the creation of an alliance that would ensure collective defense, which was created in 1949 as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization – NATO. Part of which were also the most influential countries of Europe at the time, then the European Union - EU was created in 1951, where it was founded with the aim of the cooperation of the European countries coming out of the war in economic terms. But over the years it was considered reasonable that the EU also have the Foreign and Security Policy that was officially formed by the Maastricht Treaty and that will be examined in the following paper, where member states are required to cooperate with intercommunal organizations, maintain a common position in international forums and support common foreign and security policy. The main purpose of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) is to preserve the freedom and security of its member countries through political and military means. NATO is committed to the peaceful resolution of disputes. If diplomatic efforts fail, it has the military capacity to undertake crisis management operations. They are carried out based on Article 5 of the Washington Treaty, the founding treaty of NATO, or based on a UN (United Nations Organization) mandate, alone or in cooperation with other countries and international organizations. The European Union is a unique political and economic partnership between 27 democratic European countries aiming at peace, prosperity and freedom for its 500 million citizens, in a fairer and safer world. It is a constantly evolving structure which has no historical precedent. The primary legislation of the EU are the treaties signed between member states. These treaties lay down the basic policies of the EU, establish its institutional structure, legislative procedure and powers. Some of the main treaties are: the EEC Treaty of Rome (1957), the Single European Act (1986), the Treaty of Maastricht (1992), the Amsterdam Treaty (1997) and the Lisbon Treaty (2007). The EU's main institutions are: The European Parliament, the European Council, the Council of the European Union, and the European Commission. NATO and the EU are essential partners that share common values, strategic interests in the majority of member state. In recent years, the two organizations have developed closer cooperation, focused on concrete results and improved security for European citizens. This ranges from cyber defense and addressing hybrid threats, through maritime security to building the capacity of partners beyond our borders. NATO and the EU are working to enlarge their cooperation in addressing current and emerging security challenges. The EU and NATO were founded and operate on the same values and strategic interests, particularly in terms of issues related to security, defense and crisis management.


EU-NATO relations, strategic partnership, Global Strategy for EU Foreign and Security Policy, European Security, Transatlantic relationship.