The aim of the public perception research on Bawean Island concerning the existence of natural seaweed is to evaluate the extent to which the general public is informed about the function, management, and role of natural seaweed. Integrated coastal management represents a paradigm shift in the pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals. The utilisation of natural resources by the community is the most crucial aspect of sustainable management. This study employs questionnaires and confined interviews. Diversity of natural seaweed, utilisation of natural seaweed, and potential carbon dioxide absorption capacity of natural seaweed are all research indicators. The level of community knowledge was assessed using the Likert scale. The outcomes of a study conducted on Bawean Island show that there is a high degree of agreement among the respondents opinions on the three research indicators, which are presented in the form of Likert interval values ranging from 80% to 100%. With a 90.25% index value, most participants agreed that Bawean Island has natural seaweed. A majority of participants supported natural seaweed management on Bawean Island, scoring 85.88% on the index. A large majority of participants agreed that Bawean Island's natural seaweed can trap atmospheric carbon (83.17%).
Sustainable Development Goals, Diversity of Natural Seaweed, Utilisation of Natural Seaweed, Potential Carbon Dioxide Absorption Capacity of Natural Seaweed, Likert Scale.