The objective of this study was to analyze the syntactical construction differences between English and Wawonii language using a contrastive analysis approach. To carry out this analysis, a descriptive qualitative has been used to investigate the syntactical structure of the English and Wawonii language. In gaining the English syntactical construction data, this study used article journals and online books that centralized on English syntactical construction topics. Meanwhile, in eliciting the Wawonii syntactical construction data, this study employed a non-probability sampling that was drawn purposively. In other words, the data was collected through participant observation and in-depth interviews with seven (7) informants of Wawonii language speakers. The 7 informants were the leaders of each district in the Konawe Archipelago, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia, which were known, have better comprehension of Wawonii language syntactical construction features. The results of this contrastive analysis study showed that English and Wawonii language have differences in the sense of one word in Wawonii form indicates one sentence form in English, possessive construction form, plural form, comparative sentence form, question formation form, verbal sentence form, negative sentence form, and simple past tense form. This study contributed into the sociolinguistics field in order to enrich the speakers (or foreigners) of English and Wawonii language comprehension of both language syntactical structures.
Contrastive Analysis; English Language; Grammatical Construction; Morphology and Syntax; Wawonii Language.