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Vol 18, No 10 ( 2023 )   |  DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10012254   |   Author Affiliation: Instructor I, Bulacan State University, Bustos Campus Bustos, Bulacan, Philippines.   |   Licensing: CC 4.0   |   Pg no: 200-220   |   Published on: 04-10-2023


This applied research advances from conventional methods or procedures for disassembling components into a system that incorporates teaching and learning and offers an efficient tool for end-users. (1) The Multi-Purpose Hydraulic Puller for Under-Chassis Servicing was developed in response to the need to strengthen and enhance the pulling down of an automobile's under-chassis components, such as the steering wheel, tie rod, and ball joint. The study's primary objective is to create a piece of equipment that benefits end-users, especially automotive technology. Additionally, it sought to provide a unique device for under-chassis activities to minimize harm and error in that particular automotive system. The unstoppable technical advancements in steering, the under-chassis suspension system, and the vehicle as a whole prompted this. The prototype's fabrication and construction were made possible using locally sourced materials, equipment, and technical expertise. Between April and November 2020, the study was conducted at Bulacan State University's Bustos Campus's College of Industrial Technology. (2) The Multi-Purpose Hydraulic Puller for Underchassis Servicing is a solution tool to ease the students' hardness to pull down the steering wheel, tie rod, and ball joint when they perform wheel alignment. In the Under Chassis Steering and Suspension System, they will learn the actual scene of a problem and the proper way to pull down the underchasssis parts and correct the toe-in and toe-out, camber, and caster correction in the tires and wheel. The study is applied research innovating the conventional type steering wheel and suspension puller in convenience and a friendly tool for the users. (3) The MultiPurpose Hydraulic Puller for Under-Chassis Servicing received an overall computed mean of 4.66, translated verbally as "excellent." With the technical evaluations of the respondents in hand, it is reasonable to conclude that the Multi-Purpose Hydraulic Puller for Underchassis Servicing is of high quality in terms of functionality, workability, durability, safety, and instructional applicability. (4) Considering the objectives of the study and the technical evaluation of the respondents, it is concluded that the Multi-Purpose Hydraulic Puller for Underchassis Servicing has a high quality in terms of functionality, workability, durability, safety, and instructional applicability. The Multi-Purpose Hydraulic Puller for Underchassis Servicing is excellent. The Multi-Purpose Hydraulic Puller is recommended to be used as a teaching tool for faculty and students and a powerful power tool for local auto mechanics.


Hydraulic, Instructional Materials, Multi-Purpose, Puller, Under-Chassis.