Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the State Capital was issued considering, among other things, that it is necessary to improve the governance of the State capital region in addition to being a means to meet the needs of the Indonesian people and all of Indonesia's bloodshed, promote public welfare, educate the nation's life, and participate in carrying out order world based on freedom, lasting peace, and social justice. The law also emphasizes that Indonesia does not yet have a law that specifically regulates the State Capital. The law that existed before the issuance of Law Number 3 of 2022 was Law Number 29 of 2007 concerning the Provincial Government of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta as the Unitary State Capital (IKN) of the Republic of Indonesia which only regulates the determination of the Special Capital Region Province of Jakarta as the Capital of the Unitary State Republic of Indonesia. The IKN relocation plan is expected to boost the national economy to +0.1%, reduce the gap between income groups at both the regional and national levels, and encourage trade and investment in the new IKN and its surroundings (Hasibuan, 2020). The move of IKN to a new location is also expected to be able to represent the character and vision of national development governance, relieve tensions in the development process which has been uneven so far, and be able to accommodate developments in the future, bearing in mind the dynamics of multidimensional development at the global level which is growing rapidly so that Indonesia able to follow these developments with the support of the new IKN area (Ridhani et al. 2021). The planned development in the IKN area must of course be accompanied by good planning to ensure the continued availability of ecosystem services. According to Schneiders and Muller in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005) these ecosystem services are strongly influenced by their ecological functions. Humans need several ecosystem services to meet their basic needs and improve or maintain their quality of life. To meet these needs, natural resources are exploited, threatening biodiversity and increasing pressure on ecosystems (Dworczyk and Burkhard 2021). Therefore, a spatial structural approach is used to describe and visualize the spatial relationships and relationships between areas that provide and benefit from ecosystem services.
New Capitol City, East Kalimantan, Prospective Analysis, Stakeholders.