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Vol 18, No 09 ( 2023 )   |  Author Affiliation: School of Management, Graphic Era Hill University, Bhimtal, Uttarakhand 1,2.   |   Licensing: CC 4.0   |   Pg no: 1375-1387   |   Published on: 30-09-2023


There has been a noticeable increase in interest in health and wellness tourism in recent years, including spa and medical tourism, which are considered aspects of the larger wellness tourism phenomena. There are several reasons for this, including stress alleviation, cosmetic benefits, and faster access to high-quality surgical procedures. Health and wellness tourism has been identified as a rapidly increasing segment of modern tourism. However, there are two types of health and wellness tourism: health tourism and wellness tourism. WHO defines health as a condition of physical, mental, and social well-being, not just the absence of sickness. Wellness is difficult to define in a single sentence. Wellness is defined as physical activity combined with mental relaxation and intellectual stimulation, essentially a type of body, mind, and spirit fitness that includes the holistic aspect. Some types of wellness tourism, for example, attempt to promote mental and spiritual well-being, whereas surgical procedures that improve appearance also address the mind. Today's travel can be unhealthy for our health, with over eating, drinking, and sun exposure adding to a traveler's stress and illness after a trip, as well as airport stress and transportation issues, jet lag and poor sleep, disruption of exercise routines, and jet lag and poor sleep. This is strange because a lot of people enjoy travelling because it's an experience and a method to decompress. Wellness tourism can be subdivided into two parts: Unwell Travel - Unhealthy and overeating, travel and stress, excessive drinking, poor sleeping. Disruption of fitness routine - Wellness travel, rejuvenation and relaxation, authentic experiences, disease prevention and management.


Health and Wellness Tourism, Wellness Tourism, Wellness Travel, Medical Tourism.