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Vol 17, No 10 ( 2022 )   |  DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7364177   |   Author Affiliation: Faculty of Agriculture Univeristas Islam Sumatera Utara 1,2,3,4,5,6,7.   |   Licensing: CC 4.0   |   Pg no: 1546-1553   |   To cite: MURNI SARI RAHAYU, et al., (2022). MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERS, PRODUCTION, AND N-CONTENT OF SOYBEAN LEAVES (GLYCINE MAXL. MERRIL) UNDER WATER STRESS CONDITIONS WITH ORGANIC FERTILIZER MEDIA. 17(10), 1546–1553. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7364177   |   Published on: 28-10-2022


This research was carried out in a greenhouse, Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic University of North Sumatra, Gedung Johor Village, Medan Johor District, Medan City, North Sumatra Province with an altitude of 25 meters above sea level and flat topography. The research was carried out from February to April 2021, which aims to determine the morphological characters, production and N content of leaves at intervals of giving water and some organic fertilizers, namely rice husks, roasted rice husks, straw, market vegetable waste on soybeans (Glycine max). The study used a factorial randomized block design (RAK) with two factors, namely: the water supply factor consisted of 3 levels, namely: P1 = watering every day (1000 ml of water), P2 = watering every 3 days (1000 ml of water), P3 = watering every 6 days (1000 ml of water), Factors for Giving Types of Organic Fertilizers Consists of 4 types, namely: O1 = Rice husk (20 tons/ha) = 100 g/polybag, O2 = Roasted rice husk (20 tons/ha) = 100g/polybag, O3 = Straw (20 tons/ha) ha)= 100 g/polybag O4 = Organic fertilizer market vegetable waste (20 tons/ha) = 100 g/polybag, The variables measured were root length (cm), number of root nodules (seeds), volume of plant roots (ml), crop production (g), canopy wet weight (g), canopy dry weight (g), leaf N-element analysis (%). The results showed that the time interval of water application had a significant effect on root length, number of root nodules, root volume, crop production and leaf N content. The type of organic fertilizer has a very significant effect on the parameters of root length, root volume on production and the N-leaf content of soybeans (Glycine max). O1 = Rice husk (20 tons/ha) = 100 g/polybag, O2 = Roasted rice husk (20 tons/ha) = 100g/polybag, O3= Straw (20 tons/ha)= 100 g/polybag O4 = Organic fertilizer market vegetable waste (20 tons/ha) = 100 g/polybag. The variables measured were root length (cm), number of root nodules (seeds), plant root volume (ml), crop production (g), canopy wet weight (g) ), canopy dry weight (g), N-leaf elemental analysis (%). The results showed that the time interval of water application had a significant effect on root length, number of root nodules, root volume, crop production and leaf N content. The type of organic fertilizer has a very significant effect on the parameters of root length, root volume on production and the N-leaf content of soybeans (Glycine max). O1 = Rice husk (20 tons/ha) = 100 g/polybag, O2 = Roasted rice husk (20 tons/ha)= 100g/polybag, O3= Straw (20 tons/ha)= 100 g/polybag O4 = Organic fertilizer market vegetable waste (20 tons/ha) = 100 g/polybag. The variables measured were root length (cm), number of root nodules (seeds), plant root volume (ml), crop production (g), canopy wet weight (g) ), canopy dry weight (g), N-leaf elemental analysis (%). The results showed that the time interval of water application had a significant effect on root length, number of root nodules, root volume, crop production and leaf N content. The type of organic fertilizer has a very significant effect on the parameters of root length, root volume on production and the N-leaf content of soybeans (Glycine max). O3= Straw (20 tons/ha)= 100 g/polybag O4 = Organic fertilizer market vegetable waste (20 tons/ha) = 100 g/polybag, The variables measured were root length (cm), number of root nodules (seeds), volume of plant roots (ml), crop production (g), canopy wet weight (g), canopy dry weight (g), N-leaf element analysis (%). The results showed that the time interval of water application had a significant effect on root length, number of root nodules, root volume, crop production and leaf N content. The type of organic fertilizer has a very significant effect on the parameters of root length, root volume on production and the N-leaf content of soybeans (Glycine max). O3= Straw (20 tons/ha)= 100 g/polybag O4 = Organic fertilizer market vegetable waste (20 tons/ha) = 100 g/polybag, The variables measured were root length (cm), number of root nodules (seeds), volume of plant roots (ml), crop production (g), canopy wet weight (g), canopy dry weight (g), N-leaf element analysis (%). The results showed that the time interval of water application had a significant effect on root length, number of root nodules, root volume, crop production and leaf N content. The type of organic fertilizer has a very significant effect on the parameters of root length, root volume on production and the N-leaf content of soybeans (Glycine max). Canopy dry weight (g), N-leaf elemental analysis (%). The results showed that the time interval of water application had a significant effect on root length, number of root nodules, root volume, crop production and leaf N content. The type of organic fertilizer has a very significant effect on the parameters of root length, root volume on production and the N-leaf content of soybeans (Glycine max). Canopy dry weight (g), N-leaf elemental analysis (%). The results showed that the time interval of water application had a significant effect on root length, number of root nodules, root volume, crop production and leaf N content. The type of organic fertilizer has a very significant effect on the parameters of root length, root volume on production and the N-leaf content of soybeans (Glycine max).


Soybean, Watering Time Interval, Type of Organic Fertilizer