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Vol 17, No 09 ( 2022 )   |  DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7066321   |   Author Affiliation: Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand 1,2,3; Pathumthani University, Thailand 4.   |   Licensing: CC 4.0   |   Pg no: 406–416.   |   To cite: PHUTHANATE PAENGSAI, et al., (2022). ANTECEDENT FACTORS OF SUCCESS IN MANAGEMENT OF TRAINING CENTERS IN THAILAND. 17(09), 406–416. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7066321   |   Published on: 09-09-2022


The training centers are created to respond to the business needs of various organizations for efficient development of their human resource to equip them with knowledge, ability, skills and experience that can be applied to upgrade the potential of both the personnel and the organization in both the state sector and private sector work agencies. Therefore, the training centers in the business market must be adjusted to change in accordance with the needs of consumers. At present, a lot of training center businesses has occurred resulting in high competition. The training center administrators cannot create advantages in the competition, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. As a result, the training centers face more business operation problems caused by the lack of competitive competency. The objectives of this research are as follows: (1) to study levels of the self-improvement intention, the 7Ps marketing strategy, the potential of resource persons, the image of the training site, and quality of the training program affecting the success in management of training centers in Thailand; (2) to study the influences of the self-improvement intention, the 7Ps marketing strategy, the potential of resource persons, the image of the training site, and quality of the training program affecting the success in management of training centers in Thailand; and (3) to create a model of success in management of training centers in Thailand. This study is a mixed-method research involving the quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. In the quantitative study, the research sample consisted of 420 trainees in private training centers in Thailand, obtained by multi-stage sampling, The sample size was determined based on the criterion of 20 times of the observable variables. A questionnaire was employed as the data collecting instrument. The data were analyzed using the structural equation modeling analysis. In the qualitative study, the researcher conducted in-depth interviews of target group persons consisting of 20 administrators and experts on management of training centers in Thailand. The research findings indicated that (1) the self-improvement intention, the 7Ps marketing strategy, the potential of resource persons, the image of the training site, quality of the training program, and the success in management of training centers in Thailand were rated at the high level; (2) the self-improvement intention, the 7Ps marketing strategy, the potential of resource persons, the image of the training site, and quality of the training program had influences on the success in management of training centers in Thailand, which were at the .05 level of statistical significance; and (3) the model of success in management of training centers in Thailand, developed by the researcher, was named as PISQIL Model (P = Lecturer’s Potential, I = Self-Improvement Intention, S = 7Ps Marketing Strategy, Q = Course Quality, I = Training Site Image, L = Customer Loyalty). In addition, results of the qualitative study indicated that in order to create the success of management of training centers in Thailand, the administrators should make a comprehensive study of the problems and trends of the needs of the target group that would lead to the creation of the program consistent with the needs for efficient development of the personnel of each organization. The results of this research can be adjusted to apply as guidelines for formulation of policies concerning the management of training centers in order to promote the sustainable success in the management of training centers in Thailand in the future.


Antecedent factor / success in management of training center /Thailand