The basis for conducting research is related to the phenomenon that occurs today, namely the suboptimal performance of lecturers in carrying out their duties and responsibilities, which has implications for the low achievement of the quality of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. The general purpose of the research is to obtain a clear description, formulate and analyze the management of an integrated coaching model in improving lecturer performance in Private Universities (Universitas Komputer Indonesia dan Universitas Garut). The specific purpose of the research is to know, study, and analyze more deeply about planning, organizing, directing and supervising. What are the supporting and inhibiting factors, how to overcome obstacles and how the lecturers' work results after the implementation of the integrated coaching model. The theories used are; management theory from Nickels, McHug and McHugh, integrated coaching model theory from Jonathan Passmore, and performance theory from Bernardin and Russell. The research approach uses qualitative, with a descriptive method. Data collection techniques through interviews, observations, and documentation studies. Data analysis uses Miles & Huberman's interactive techniques. The results of the study showed; Planning is prepared in a visionary manner by prioritizing logic, clarity and reality that occurs. The organization is arranged neatly, well and correctly. The briefing is arranged in a coordinated, communicative and continuous manner. Supervision is prepared in a continuous, useful, comprehensive and accurate manner. There are supporting and inhibiting factors from the aspect; Human resources, budget, infrastructure and commitment in realizing the program. Efforts made; strategy formulation, making ideas and policies to overcome management obstacles of the Integrated Coaching Model. The management of the integrated coaching model in improving the performance of lecturers of Private Universities has been in accordance with the management functions of Nickels, McHugh and McHugh and is based on a value system (Achmad Sanusi) sourced from the Qur'an and Hadith, so that it has produced lecturers who have good and optimal performance in terms of work productivity, work quality, initiative to seek strategies, cooperation and success in solving problems.
Management, Integrated Coaching Model, Lecturer Performance.