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Vol 18, No 01 ( 2023 )   |  DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/4PT65   |   Author Affiliation: Pathologist, Sheikh Khalifa Medical City, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Research Scholar CMJ University, Meghalaya, India. Corresponding Author 1; Professor, Department of Commerce and Management, CMJ University, Meghalaya, India 2; Assistant Professor, Program Leader, Department of Health, and Medical Sciences, Khawarizmi International College, Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, UAE 3.   |   Licensing: CC 4.0   |   Pg no: 2680-2695   |   Published on: 31-01-2023


This research paper delves into a comprehensive analysis of the profound influence exerted by the Lean and Six Sigma methodologies on the realms of patient safety and the quality of care within healthcare settings. Undeniably, the provision of impeccable patient safety and optimal quality of care stands as pivotal pillars in the realm of healthcare delivery. Consequently, the adoption and implementation of Lean and Six Sigma principles have garnered significant attention as viable approaches to augment and enhance these crucial domains. The paper undertakes an elucidating journey through the fundamental tenets and practical application of Lean and Six Sigma within healthcare settings, thereby shedding light on their intrinsic principles and their unique utilization within

the context of healthcare. Within the overarching scope of this review, paramount focus is accorded to the intricate interplay between Lean and Six Sigma methodologies and patient safety, expertly analyzing and expounding upon the myriad ways in which these methodologies contribute to the curtailment of medical errors and the mitigation

of adverse events. Moreover, the paper astutely underscores the tangible advancements attainable through the implementation of Lean and Six Sigma principles in relation to medication safety procedures and infection control protocols. Furthermore, an exhaustive exploration is undertaken to evaluate the transformative impact that Lean and Six Sigma have on the quality of care dispensed to patients. By virtue of streamlining healthcare processes and optimizing workflows, these methodologies ingeniously engender notable reductions in waiting times and commendable enhancements in the seamless flow of patients. Additionally, the palpable augmentation of patient satisfaction and experience, realized through the auspices of Lean and Six Sigma initiatives, is thoughtfully deliberated upon, and thoroughly scrutinized within the confines of this paper. Within the expanse of this article, a compelling array of case studies and illustrative examples are masterfully presented, underscoring the triumphant implementation of Lean and Six Sigma methodologies within esteemed healthcare organizations. The review, in its earnest pursuit of comprehensiveness, wholeheartedly acknowledges the formidable challenges and inherent limitations encountered during the application of these methodologies. Such hurdles encompass the

pervasive resistance to change, deeply entrenched cultural barriers, and the perpetual scarcity of resources. Nonetheless, the review rises above mere acknowledgment and endeavours to furnish valuable recommendations that chart the course for future directions. It ardently advocates for the integration of Lean and Six Sigma with other improvement frameworks, fostering an amalgamation of methodologies that possesses the potential for even greater transformative impact. Furthermore, it expounds upon the merits of broadening the horizon of Lean and

Six Sigma beyond the confines of clinical areas, thereby illuminating the path towards their extended and holistic utilization within healthcare settings. In summation, this review resonates with resounding clarity, accentuating the palpable and profound influence of Lean and Six Sigma on the realms of patient safety and the quality of care

within healthcare settings. It steadfastly underscores the indispensable nature of these methodologies in driving notable advancements and endeavours to underscore the indispensability of unwavering leadership support and resolute organizational commitment as catalysts for maximizing their efficacy. By embracing and adopting the

principles of Lean and Six Sigma, healthcare professionals and organizations stand poised to reap the multifarious benefits, thereby assuring the delivery of safer and superlative-quality care to their cherished patients.


Lean and Six Sigma methodologies, healthcare, patient safety, quality of care, medical errors