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Dr. A. THILAGARAJ 1, Dr. V. AGALYA 2, Dr. D.UNIKA 3, and S.SAIRAM 4.

Vol 17, No 08 ( 2022 )   |  DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7009806   |   Author Affiliation: Assistant professor (Sr. G), Department of Commerce, College of Science and Humanities, SRM Institute of Science & Technology, Kattankulathur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India 1; Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration College of Science and Humanities, SRM Institute of Science & Technology, Vadapalani, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India 2; Associate Professor and Head, PG & Research Department of Commerce, Patrician College of Arts and Science, Adyar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India 3; Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Tagore College of Arts and Science, Chrompet, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India 4.   |   Licensing: CC 4.0   |   Pg no: 1363- 1379   |   To cite: Dr. A. THILAGARAJ, et al., (2022). THE EFFECT OF DIGITAL INDIA PROGRAM WITH REFERENCE TO CHENNAI CITY- AN CRITICAL ANALYSIS. 17(08), 1363–1379. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7009806   |   Published on: 19-08-2022


The goal of the Digital India Program is to turn India into a knowledge economy that is digitally empowered. It is a government of India project that aims to bring together government departments and Indian citizens. Its goal is to ensure citizens have access to government services via electronic means while eliminating paper effort. This research aims to see how the Digital India Program affects people. This describes how the economy is changing in different industries. Dipankar Saikia (2020) Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a significant program named "The Digital India Programme" on July 2nd, 2015, with the goal of India's transformation towards a knowledge economy and digitally connected society. In this light, this article focuses on the effectiveness of the Digital India Program in the context of Chennai. The research was carried out in the city of Chennai. The data for this study was obtained on working male and female populations using self-administered questionnaires. To satisfy the research objectives, the collected information was analyzed using statistical procedures such as percentage analysis, paired t-test, and reliability test via statistical software for mathematical reasoning. Finally, with a wide sample size in multiple locations, this study may yield even more results.


Digital India Programme, Services, Various sectors, Awareness and Effectiveness of Digital Empowerment.