The researcher claims in the current study that marketing technologies would see a change from the offline to the website. At the beginning of 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic broke out in China, which quickly transformed into a global public health crisis with the fastest outbreak, the widest spectrum of contamination, and the hardest to monitor in the world's entire history. During the epidemic, people across the globe were suspended from all social events and kept at home. Given the fact that the expectation of the pandemic appears to be high, the buyer economy experienced a major blow in the 2020 primary quarter. Several retail organizations are putting their trust in the launch of phygital stores to deal with the crisis with the Covid-19 episode step by step regulated around the globe. The researcher aims to orchestrate the change that retailers are experiencing in the Covid-19 crisis. From the point of view of shoppers and marketers, the researcher does this intending to provide rules and describe how retailers can deal with this phenomenal circumstance. The purpose of the study is to examine the function of phygital stores by using customer attitudes. A comprehensive literature review is highlighted which provided a close understanding of phygital stores and buyer behavior during the Covid-19 emergency.
Buyer Behaviour; Covid 19 Pandemic; Phygital Stores; Retail Marketing