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Vol 17, No 08 ( 2022 )   |  DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6969090   |   Author Affiliation: ---   |   Licensing: CC 4.0   |   Pg no: 416-428   |   To cite: NAZANIN AZIZI. (2022). REDUCING REWORK AND INCREASING CONSTRUCTION QUALITY USING BUILDING INFORMATION MODELING (BIM) (RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS). 17(08), 416–428. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6969090   |   Published on: 06-08-2022


Rework is the activities that try to bring the rejected items into an acceptable level with the product requirements or specifications or other expectations of the stakeholders. Rework is one of the most common concerns in construction industry projects, which increases the cost and time of the project, and it refers to unnecessary activities that are related to a process or an activity that is not done correctly or with the right quality from the beginning, and that activity needs to be done again. In the present study, the use of building information modelling (BIM) for residential buildings was investigated to reduce rework and increase construction quality. The current research method was a survey and information was collected by preparing a questionnaire. After analyzing the questionnaire data, it is determined that in construction projects, as a result of workshop rework, 6.1% is added to the construction cost and 9.3% to the construction time. The most rework occurs in the Rigidity and Facilities sectors, each experiencing more than an 8% cost increase due to rework. Also, joinery, skeleton, earth removal and foundation are in the next categories. By comparing the projects that used BIM and the project without BIM, it was found that the projects with BIM experienced a much lower cost increase and rework time. So that in projects without BIM, the cost increase due to rework was 7.2% and the time increase was 10.9%, While these figures in BIM projects were 2.6 and 4.3% respectively. The majority of BIM users use 3D modelling and the lack of BIM experts, the high cost of modelling, the unfamiliarity of most employers, consultants, and contractors, etc., are the obstacles to the development of BIM in Iran. The majority of the audience confirmed the ability of BIM to reduce costs and waste of time caused by rework in construction projects and considered the need for this technology to be high.


Construction Quality, Rework, BIM