Function and use of language as culture is in conveying experiences, understanding and perceptions of life carried out transitively. The aim of this research is to discuss the transitivity of Palembang Malay and Functional Linguistics. The research method uses a mixed method approach. Sources in the form of Palembang Malay language conversations and direct conversational dialogue. Through the Palembang language dialogue stages. The results were that six existing transitivity processes were found based on transitivity stages, namely: (1). The material process stages total 9 clauses, (2). Stages of mental process 6 clauses, (3). Stages of verbal process 4 clauses, (4). Stages of the behavior process 3 clauses, (5). Stages of the existential process 1 clause, (6). Stages of the relational process 1 clause. From the meaning perspective; event and action are 14, cognition and functional meaning are 6, the abstract meaning is 0, and the social-behavioral is 3. Eggins states that the transitivity process of Palembang Malay is apart from actions that go through the process stages that have been directed to the end of the functions and uses that lead to the meaning contained in the conversation. Allan refers more to the series of meanings implied by the Palembang Malay language conversation process compared to the actual process of the verbal form of conversation.
Perspective Meaning; SFL; Semantics; Verb Transitivity; Malay Language.