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Vol 18, No 07 ( 2023 )   |  DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/XAJ9K   |   Author Affiliation: Professor, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Navoi State Mining and Technological University, Uzbekistan.   |   Licensing: CC 4.0   |   Pg no: 1375-1384   |   Published on: 25-07-2023


The lower cultural layer of Rabati Malik's activity related to the Mongol period was preserved relatively unchanged. In the northern part of the settlement, based on the building periods of the XI-XII centuries, household ceramics, numismatic material and jewelry belonging to different periods, and a large number of dishes of the last stage were found. In the 12th century, the complete reconstruction of the northern part (the construction of a semi-domed gallery with an octagonal dome in place of the northern colonnaded courtyard) made it possible to distinguish the ceramics of the a11th century from a general set of materials of the 11th-12th centuries. Materials of the 12th century (household buildings of the side yards of the southern half and northern half of the monument) were found in some places of Rabati Malik. In the lower cultural layer of the southern half, mainly materials of the XI-XII centuries have been preserved. The rooms of the southern side (stables, porches between stables, farm rooms with a platform) became a garbage dump in the 16th and 17th centuries, and were filled with ash and coal waste and animal bones. In some parts of the southern part, the soil floor is raised up to 1-1.15 meters.


Rabati Malik, Ceramics, Findings of Rabati Malik, Qasim Sheikh.