This study dwelt on the existence of Almaciga (Agathis philippinensis Warb.) Apayao Province in Northern Philippines. The study consisted of five components, namely: 1) mapping and inventory of almaciga stand, 2) characterization of the ecological habitat; 3) estimation of carbon stock and resin yield; 4) development of propagation protocols for almaciga and 5) socioeconomic characteristics, knowledge, attitudes and practices, existing interventions and skills training and livelihood preferences of communities near the stands. Almaciga stands are found on moderately sloping to very steep slopes with Karst Mountain characteristics. The trees are located from 198 to 1,219 meters above sea level. The majority of the almaciga trees were also found in the west and southwest aspects. The stands are located in areas having acidic to very acidic soil, with high organic content. The study sites are considered low in phosphorus, however, high in potassium. The average diameter of the tree observed is 73.9 centimeters and are large trees, having an average height of 51.08 meters. In terms of live crown ratio, the average for all sites is 55.641 % which indicates that most of the trees are vigorous. The associated species are malabayabas (Tristaniopsis decorticata), bolong-eta (Diospyros philosanthera), Tanguile (Shorea polysperma), white lauan (Shorea contorta), panglomboein (Syzygium simile) and bitanghol-sibat (Callophyllum soulatri). Natural regenerations were inadequate and the presence of dead trees is notable. Carbon stock ranges from 279, 611.1 kg/ ha to 411,982.7 kg/ha with an average of 363,993.50 kg/ha. The estimated resin yield is 2500 kg/ year. For the development of propagation protocol, the middle portion with 15 ml/l concentration performed better in terms of shoot length, root length, and number of roots. For the socioeconomic profile and knowledge, attitudes and practices studies, the respondents know the existence of the Almaciga tree in the locality and acknowledged that the tree is important to the community and to the environment as well. Consequently, most of them also recognized that the conservation and protection of the tree is very important. The majority had no experience in propagating, planting, and tapping Almaciga, however, most of them agreed that proper propagation, plantation establishment, and resin tapping of Almaciga is necessary. For their preferred skills training and livelihood preferences, resin processing (product development from raw Manila copal) topped over the other, followed by resin tapping.
Agathis philippinensis, ecological characterization, carbon sequestration, propagation protocol, knowledge, attitudes and practices.