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Original Research



Vol 18, No 06 ( 2023 )   |  DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/TQZFE   |   Author Affiliation: Assistant Professor II, Western Philippines University, Philippines.   |   Licensing: CC 4.0   |   Pg no: 1258-1268   |   Published on: 23-06-2023


This study was conducted to provide information on the sustainability of fishing industry of Aborlan specifically it aims to (1) describe the nature and mode of fishing activity employed by the respondents (2) volume of fish catch; (3) marketing method, utilization and sustainability (4) find out the government support among the respondents using descriptive research. It was conducted in the Municipality of Aborlan, Palawan which consists nine coastal barangays namely: Apo-aporawan, Apurawan, Culandanum, Isaub, Magsaysay, Poblacion, San Juan, Tagpait and Tigman. The stratified random sampling was used to determine the samples with a total 235 fishermen were serves as respondents of the study. The study uses different statistical tools to analyze and interpret the data. Descriptive statistics such as frequency counts, means and weighted means were also employed to discuss the nature and mode of fishing activity, volume of fish catch, status of market outlet and support extended by the local government unit among the respondents. Result reveals that respondents used commercial nets in their fishing activity and caught variety of fish with a minimal volume of more or less 20 kgs per operation. Further, respondents sold the caught fish directly to the market rather than to process it into other fish products as they practiced the sustainable fishing in the area. Meanwhile, the LGU was supportive to them by giving support and granting loan programs, conducting trainings and assessment. It is recommended that respondents should attend to the trainings and seminars conducted and offered by the authority to enhance their fishing skills, engaging in other activity for additional source of income and develop the fish by-products to increase their income. Furthermore, the LGU may provide assistance to the fisher folks like financial support to the local fishers. Conduct trainings to the fishing village with regards to fish processing and strictly implement the local laws or Municipal Ordinance particularly in the provision of illegal fishing. Promote the importance of sustainable fishing.


fishes, volume of catch, marketing method, sustainability, respondents, utilization, fishing industry