Heritage properties have many values which need to be preserved by countries and bodies responsible for managing and protecting them from risks, which are increasing with increasing values. It may affect those values One of the most important tools approved by UNESCO for monitoring and evaluating risks is the measurement ruler for the ABC method(ICCROM, 2016), which aims to take decisions for heritage management by identifying risks and measuring their severity depending on the extent of their impact on the values of the heritage property. Looking at recent research and studies that dealt with management and decision-making, we find that many evaluations and measurement methods have been used, such as multi-axis measurements (AHP, ANN, ANP), and other evaluation and measurement methods that have been used in many fields, whether economic, social, or political). It has proven its worth in selecting the most appropriate options In view of the importance of the decision to preserve and its impact on the property, the research dealt with the analysis and comparison of the measurement ruler for the ABC method and the hierarchical analysis AHP and their role in making multi-criteria decisions Where the research deals with the ability of the measurement ruler to deal with values, whether material or moral, and to develop a quantitative measurement of the severity of the expected damage and compare it with the quantitative measurement of the AHP hierarchical measurement method and apply it to the selected case study. To find out the most appropriate and accurate way to manage risks The Al-Lutan Hassan Mosque was chosen as a case study, determining the values of the building, determining the risks on it, using the measurement ruler to manage risks, and then using hierarchical analysis for risk management.
Risk assessment – Heritage Values – ABC method – AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Analysis)