Gender has influenced career satisfaction where women’s nature and physical attributes are said to have significant influence to their satisfaction level as compared to the counterpart gender. This study was designed to construct Career Satisfaction Measurement Model for female engineers with families. Three rounds of the Modified Delphi technique were conducted prior to the development of the model. After the experts reached the final consensus on the constructs, the questionnaire items were constructed to further develop the measurement model. A total of 254 questionnaires were gathered and analysed using the inferential statistics via SmartPLS (PLS-SEM) to construct the model structure. The results showed significant relationship of Ho2, Ho3, and Ho4 in influencing career satisfaction through the factors of co-worker relationship (β = 0.216, p = 0.000< 0.05), gender equality (β = 0.154, p = 0.01< 0.05), and mentor (β = 0.196, p = 0.045< 0.05). Nevertheless, no significant relationship was found between salary (0.185, p = 0.090 > 0.05) and career satisfaction. Such findings confirm the model’s efficacy to measure the factors of career satisfaction among female engineers with co- worker relationship and gender equality as the dominant factors. This can be utilised to determine the optimum career satisfaction for prospective female engineers in the public or private sector as part of the parallel necessity to satisfy the career pattern in the current century.
Management, Career Satisfaction, Female Engineers, Measurement Model, PLS-SEM.