The proponents came up with this project because Kamias is one of the tropical fruits that are underutilized or rarely used. It is one of nature’s unappreciated fruits because of its sourness and bitterness. There are some related studies which stated that Kamias fruit or Averrhoa bilimbi is underutilized, from the authors S. Sugiharto and Charena Jumamil Castro. On the other hand, this sour fruit is a natural source of vitamins B and C, iron, phosphorus and antioxidants. In addition, it is rich in fiber and provides high nutritional value that are good for health. The proponents aim to utilize our product which would benefit the majority, and make our product “Kamias jam” be known to many. The goal is to make people appreciate the goodness in it and be able to taste the sweet side of the product. Aside from its cheaper price and affordability this will ensure that this product have met the quality standards.