Motivation is an element of communication competence. In the field of social work, it is the level of willingness of a social worker to achieve social service goals. This study aims to determine the level of motivation as part of the communication competence of Sarjana Pendamping Desa Sejahtera (SPDS) as a social worker in social services. Measurement of the level of motivation through three dimensions that make it up, namely: self-efficacy, resources used, and rewards. Questionnaires with a Likert scale were given to 148 SPDS as self-assessments, 148 program recipients (users), and 148 partners who interacted directly with SPDS in social services. The three assessments were then averaged and tested for validity and reliability using SEMPLS3, and for the determination of motivation levels using descriptive statistics. The results of the study found the level of motivation of SPDS in social services in high categories, which formed elements of self-efficacy and reward.
Motivation, Social Worker, Social Service.