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Vol 18, No 01 ( 2023 )   |  DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/ZWQ8H   |   Author Affiliation: Institut Bisnis Informasi Teknologi dan Bisnis, Medan, Indonesia.   |   Licensing: CC 4.0   |   Pg no: 2151-2160   |   Published on: 31-01-2023


Human resources are the main factor in an organization that is built based on the interests of needs and implementation. Effective management of human resources (HR) must be considered in order to support the strategies that will be implemented in order to increase competitiveness in the global market and contribute to creating competitive advantage within an organization. Competitive advantage can be created through effective human resource management by taking into account the internal and external factors the organization will face. In addition, competitive human resources need to be supported by several elements, namely strategies in human resource management, organizational resources, and organizational strategy. Researchers use descriptive analysis as a research method, using a qualitative approach, while qualitative research is research that does not start from a theory that has been prepared beforehand, but starts from the field based on the natural environment. Meanwhile the results of this study explain that HR management is the development of human resources which has the function of planning, implementing, recruiting, training, career development of employees or employees and carrying out initiatives for organizational development. With the development of HRM, all related activities or work run smoothly and efficiently. The concept of HRM is in line with the change in the managerial paradigm which places competitive advantage as one way for organizations to achieve success. In principle, HR management includes several activities that significantly affect the entire work area of the company. The importance of the field of HR in the life cycle of an institution or company, as technology develops, many jobs cannot be replaced by computers because of their human-oriented nature.


Excellence, Competitiveness, Human Resources