This study investigated the interaction between strategic innovation and performance of Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS), Nigeria. The Specific objectives were to: ascertain the extent to which research and development impacts on innovativeness of FIRS; determine the effect of technological innovation on networking of operations of FIRS; and determine the rate to which competitive innovation affects the social responsibilities of FIRS. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The population of the study was one thousand five hundred and twenty-two (1522), comprising of the Management staff and the Officers-level staff of the FIRS, Nigeria. The sample selected was two hundred and eighty eight (288). Method of selection was simple random sampling technique. Test-re-test method was adopted to ascertain reliability of instrument. The coefficient of the test was ascertained using Cronbach Alpha. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The analysis was done using E-view version 12. Findings revealed that research and development has a significant positive impact on innovativeness of FIRS; technological innovation has a significant positive effect on networking of operations of FIRS; and competitive innovation has significant positive effect on the social responsibilities of FIRS, Nigeria. In conclusion, therefore, this demonstrates that strategic investments in research and development, technological innovation, and competitive innovation significantly enhance the performance of the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) in Nigeria. The study recommended that the Federal Government should allocate substantial funds for research and development, while the FIRS should prioritize technological innovation and integrate a comprehensive Corporate Social Responsibility program, thereby fostering a culture of innovation, optimizing operational efficiency, and promoting ethical governance and sustainable development.
Innovativeness, Technological Innovation, Operations Network, Competitive Innovation, Social Responsibilities.