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Vol 18, No 01 ( 2023 )   |  DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/Y52BD   |   Author Affiliation: Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of English, Annamalai University 1; Associate Professor, Department of English, Annamalai University 2.   |   Licensing: CC 4.0   |   Pg no: 1827-1831   |   Published on: 31-01-2023


The Harlem Renaissance was an intellectual and cultural revival of African American music, dance, art, fashion, literature, theatre, politics and scholarship centred in Harlem, America. It set in Manhattan, New York during the 1920’s and 1930’s. Many African American writers flourished during the period as the interest of the public heightened to know about the literary productions of them. The writer Langston Hughes was emerged as one of the leading lights of Harlem Renaissance. This study aims at an analysis of the short story “Slave on the Block” of Langston Hughes so as to bring out his treatment of the exploitation of the Blacks by the White artist couple Michael and Anne and the self assertion them. They showcase the artistic ability of their servants Emma, Luther and Mattie. The story was set in 1930’s, the turbulent period of history of the U.S.A. The couple have provided a place to their servant Luther to sleep in the basement by the furnace in the house. Blacks are denied permission to visit speakeasies, night clubs and dance halls. The couple call their servant Luther abusively jungle and darker than dark hall. Anne is the painter and Michael is the musician and they want to make use of the delightful simplicity of the Blacks. Emma, the old Black woman is more slavish and she is ready to do anything for her masters. After her death, her nephew Luther and Mattie have joined the family as servants. They are more assertive than Emma. Michael being the composer utilizes the songs of the Black folks of the South and copies them in his performances. He encourages his servant Luther to sing such songs more. Anne, the artist uses Luther as a model to draw pictures of slave. At times, she has made Luther naked to draw her pictures. It reveals the insensitivity of the White woman. The couple want to mint money by making use of the Blacks. They are not genuine in helping the poor Blacks and their sole aim is to capitalize the artistic aspects of the Blacks. Before Luther comes to the house of the couple, he has shined the shoes and earned money. Unfortunately, he is fired from the job by his Greek proprietor for denying the half of the tips received by him. It reveals the exploitation of the labour of the Black person. Mattie is in love with Luther and both gradually have gained confidence to assert themselves. Though the White couple display themselves as liberals, they could not tolerate the self-assertion of their Black servants. It is obviously exposed when Mrs. Carraway, the mother of Michael, the mannish lady has imposed her domination on the Black servants. The assertive Luther retorts that he never likes the poor Whites. Mattie also joins hands with him and they walk out of the house of the artistic couple. It shows their self-assertion and individuality. Langston Hughes brings out adeptly the dominant attitude of the Whites and the newly found spirit of liberation of the Blacks in this story.


Race, Exploitation, Slavery, Dark, Self Assertion, Jungle, Independence, and Inhumanity.