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Vol 17, No 12 ( 2022 )   |  DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7498168   |   Author Affiliation: Graduate School, Southeast Asia University, Bangkok, Thailand 1,2.   |   Licensing: CC 4.0   |   Pg no: 1646-1652   |   To cite: YINGJUN QI, and SMITHIRAK JANTARAK. (2022). FACTORS AFFECTING COLLEGE STUDENTS' WILLINGNESS TO USE MOOCS. 17(12), 1646–1652. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7498168   |   Published on: 23-12-2022


The rapid development of the Internet has accelerated the informatization of education. In recent years, MOOC, an online course based on Internet technology, has received widespread attention. MOOCs socialize high-quality educational resources and break through the restrictions of time, space and identity, making it possible for the public to study relevant courses anytime and anywhere with the help of the Internet. In 2015, the Ministry of Education deepened the reform of postgraduate education, using the promotion of online courses as a breakthrough. In this context, more and more universities have started to build MOOCs and use them as one of the means to improve the influence of schools. As the main user group of MOOCs, how to effectively meet the needs of university students and enhance their willingness to use them has become an important issue to promote the sustainable and healthy development of MOOCs. Therefore, this study will classify and study the main influencing factors of college students' willingness to use MOOC based on the technology acceptance integration model and two-factor theory, and propose corresponding countermeasures for universities and MOOC platforms to improve and promote the use of MOOC in a targeted manner. Firstly, by sorting out relevant studies on usage intention, this study obtains the key variables influencing users' usage intention from the perspective of technology acceptance, and introduces two variables, namely organizational support and convenience, according to the special learning environment in which university students live. Then, based on the two-factor theory, according to the difference in the effect of different factors on the willingness to use, they were divided into three categories: motivating factors, health care factors and motivating health care factors, to establish the research model and put forward the research hypothesis. In order to verify the theoretical model and related research hypotheses, this study used questionnaire survey method, combined with MOOC characteristics and existing mature scales to compile questionnaires, and issued questionnaires for university student user groups. Finally, SPSS statistical analysis software was used to test the reliability and validity of the questionnaire and to conduct empirical analysis. The results of the analysis showed that MOOC reputation, interactivity, relative advantage, organizational support, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, social influence, perceived quality and convenience all had significant effects on university students' willingness to use MOOC. The regression analysis of the high and low subgroups of intention to use found that the effect of different factors on college students' intention to use MOOC differed significantly, with MOOC reputation, interactivity, and organizational support as motivating factors, perceived quality and convenience as health care factors, and relative advantage, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and social influence as motivating health care factors. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) on school types revealed that there were also significant differences in the degree of influence of MOOC reputation, relative advantage, social influence and organizational support among students of different types of universities, with students of ordinary universities and 211 universities being more influenced by MOOC reputation and relative advantage than those of 985 institutions, while students of 985 universities were more influenced by social influence and organizational support than those of ordinary universities and 211 In addition, students from 985 universities are more influenced by social influence and organizational support than those from ordinary universities and 211 universities. To sum up, in order to improve college students' willingness to use MOOC and promote the sustainable and healthy development of MOOC, this study proposes the following countermeasures for MOOC platforms and colleges: continuously improve the quality of MOOC and enhance user experience; improve the level of interaction and highlight the relative advantages of MOOC; strengthen publicity and promotion to enhance social influence; increase organizational support to provide convenience for college students to use MOOC.


MOOC; willingness to use; influencing factors; two-factor theory